Insights from Deepak Live

The world-renowned pioneer of mind-body wellness and modern spirituality, Deepak Chopra, graced the cities of Sydney and Melbourne for an event that provided an intriguing exploration of holistic wellbeing in the digital age.
Joined by a lineup of speakers imparting their own individual wisdom and expertise on the day's themes, attendees walked away with new perspectives and powerful tools to use in their daily practices. If you missed this rare opportunity in person, here are a few hand-picked insights from the day.
Deepak Chopra
As promised, Deepak delved into the topic from his latest book, Digital Dharma. He proclaimed that the ultimate challenge of artificial intelligence is this: to deepen a human's understanding of their dharma by drawing upon all of the collective wisdom from humanity.
He explained how our realities are based on constructs of mind, body and spirit and as humans we are constantly evolving... with the next evolution being' meta human'. This is when we will be in tune with the wisdom of the body, but are also witness to inner and outer reality and can transcend to higher consciousness. All of these concepts can be better understood through the use of AI as a personal guru, coach or research tool.
Addressing the pursuit of optimal healthspan, he spoke of how your genetic makeup is what you arrived on this planet with, but we can upgrade their activity through epigenetics. Using AI chat bots as a research tool, we can learn more about the latest medical findings and how to apply the benefits to our own lives. A key insight for healing was to enhance mind/body integration with vagal nerve activation techniques, which can be done through practices such as yoga.
He also covered how it is possible to reverse your biological age by changing your perception. This happens when you regard the body as a field of awareness and not a physical object. The goal is to shift your body to that which is timeless - because time is just a human construct. He made the profound statement that when we reframe the meaning of aging, we can have a rejuvenating effect on our cells that reflects our approach to life.

Joesph McClendon III
A popular figure at Success Resources events, Ultimate Performance Specialist Joseph McClendon once again had attendees on their feet, kicking the energy into another gear to demonstrate how you can change your mental behaviours by taking physical action.
The master of neuroencoding shared various exercises to re-write your beliefs, and spoke about the power of shifting your identity toward the life you truly want for yourself.

Melanie Gleeson
Endota founder Melanie Gleeson shared her secrets of success within the wellness industry. When Melanie started her business at 26, the wellness industry was still so new - to the point where many people didn't even know what a day spa was, and wrongly linked it to brothels! But fast forward 24 years later and the wellness industry is booming - globally it is worth $6.3 trillion.
Despite endless competition, Melanie has achieved brand success and longevity within this space. For those inspired to scale their own businesses, she explained that in essence her brand principles have remained the same to this day:
𑁍 Love one another
𑁍 Look after our planet
𑁍 Have amazing experiences
Endota is led by 4 cores values:
Intention: You should start each day with your intention, or else you’ll lose it to something or someone else
Connection: People crave connection and energy connects us, so in wellness energies must be aligned to make people feel better
Truth You’re human and will make mistakes but knowing that you can fix them is a freedom
Balance: There needs to be giving and receiving in relationships, and within ourselves.
She asserted that in business we must acknowledge both masculine and the divine feminine, and closed with a poignant thought that was appreciated by many in the audience:
“Women are the heart of our communities, and we want more businesses that are heart-led, not head-led”.

John Lee
Another popular speaker, John Lee added value to the theme of using AI for wellbeing, from his own area of expertise: using it as a tool to help you do business better. He believes that everyone's ultimate goal should be reaching a position where you have the means to live more freely and help others, and the latest AI tools can help you do just that.
From creating your own AI twin to seamlessly present your wellness content, to using an AI assistant like Nova to streamline tedious tasks and freeing up more of your time - the possibilities presented by John were mind-blowing, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Anjani Amriit
Best-selling author and TEDx speaker Anjani spoke of the universal energy that exists within every one of us, and led the audience through a powerful and calming guided meditation.
The visualisation intended to awaken each attendee's personal 'shakti' to encourage a life of ease and grace. Through her abundance meditation, she guided us towards the path of limitless possibilities.

Jessica Wilson
Our amazing MC, Jess Wilson from Women Making Waves, also shared some of her own story, revealing how self-belief and smashing limitations allowed her to overcome a devastating setback in her career.
If you'd like to read more about Jess' journey from successful young entrepreneur to successful law reformer and inspiration to many - click here.
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