Insights From Achieve, Accelerate And Thrive

16.01.25 03:49 AM - Comment(s) - By V

Key insights from Joseph McClendon's free webinar

Did you know that 85% of people's New Year's goals are exactly the same ones they set themselves last year? Don't allow your resolutions to fade into oblivion again in 2025.

Achieve, Accelerate and Thrive is a free webinar created by leading neuropsychologist Joseph McClendon III to help people kick off your new year right, with a solid game plan for 2025. In this one-hour session, Joseph shows you how to set yourself a clear and achievable goal-setting blueprint, gives the mindset tools to overcome barriers and accelerate success, and shares the secrets to sustaining motivation all year long.

So if you missed this valuable webinar, check out some of the key insights below, and be sure to watch the whole replay.

Before we begin, just a note about interaction. As Joseph points out, not interacting in lessons can cut down your learning success by up to 70%! That's huge - so if you're really serious about getting value from these insights, do be sure to watch the webinar replay and simulate participation by writing down your responses. By using the information you hear and responding, you will be truly taking it in.

Programming Yourself to Go Further, Faster

In order to go further, faster, you need to overcome the fears and obstacles that keep you from reaching your potential. That means making changes to your belief system and habits that impact your actions, and your outcomes

Making changes is key.
Joseph outlines some of the most common fears that hold people back, which he refers to as the Toxic Ten.

The Toxic Ten
1. Procrastination
2. Hesitation
3. Fear of Failure
4. Fear of Success
5. Self Doubt
6. Self Loathing
7. Imposter Syndrome
8. Stress
9. Overwhelm
10. Fear of Rejection

        • All these are human protective mechanisms - but they are also the thieves of your dreams. As humans our brain and nervous system are designed to make us move away from pain and towards pleasure.
          However we need to combat discomfort in order to do something differently.

          The #1 obstacle from the Toxic Ten is Procrastination - e.g. saying that you'll start your diet tomorrow, takes you away from the discomfort or pain of implementing that, to the comfort or pleasure of putting it off. This procrastination loop is what keeps so many people from achieving success.

          Whatever you think at any given moment gives you a feeling... and that FEELING is what causes you to do something.

          Think. Feel. Do.

          This is a very powerful mantra that Joseph uses in combination with physical movement and smiling, creating an oxytocin connection:

          As I Think, so I feel.
          As I Feel, so I do.
          As I Do, so I am.

          And from the Do comes what you'll Have.

          This is essentially how we always function. Your brain never stops thinking, and you BELIEVE what you THIHNK. But you're the one in control of this.

          Your pre-frontal cortex is the part of your brain which sends signals to another part of your brain which is responsible for feelings. Then that signal is sent again to the activity part of your brain which directs the movement. But all too often, the directive is for whatever is most painless.

          In order to change this, you need to start at the top of the process by controlling your thoughts.
          The most effective way to do that is from a Significant Emotional Event.

          Significant Emotional Events

          When a thought turns into a feeling that makes you feel good, that's a Significant Emotional event. These have the power to help you think about certain things differently, and therefore make you process it into a more positive action.

          3 Things that Make you Go Further, Faster

               1. 60/20/20 Rule
            60% of getting what you wanty comes down to your psychology - what you think about yourself and the world around you

            2. Electricity
            The spark of life lives in you now and always will. The more electricity and energy you have in your body, the more you can achieve.

            3. Magnetism
            Not just the law of attraction - everything in the world is magnetised. Magnetism the secret weapon for cultivating outcomes.

Hungry to learn more? Watch the full replay of Achieve, Accelerate & Thrive.  


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