Time Management Techniques

11.07.24 04:28 AM - Comment(s) - By V

3 Tips for Better Time Management

If you're tired of feeling 'time poor' and never getting enough done in your day, then there are some time management techniques you need to know.

Time is one of those commodities that many people feel they never have enough of. But on the flip-side, there are those people who always seem to have things under control and make great things happen - and much of it comes down to time management. Because m
astering your time allows you to direct the flow and rhythm of your daily life, as well as achieve your bigger goals. 

The secret to effective time management is that it goes deeper than just ticking items off the To Do list, because sometimes we clutter our list with tasks that won't make much impact. It’s about knowing how to focus on the items that bring the most VALUE to your life.

Below are 3 key ways you can start improving your time management skills today. 

1. Align Your Focus

Tony Robbins is famously quoted as saying: “Where focus goes, energy flows”. 

So the first step for better time management is to get clear on what it is you really want to achieve, and ensure that the tasks you set yourself for the day align with your ultimate goals. 
If your tasks don’t align and aren’t driven by your passions or purpose, then you’ll be hard pressed to find the motivation – or time – to do them.  When you look at your To Do list, ask yourself:
 - Which actions produce the most value?
- What outcomes address what you truly want in life? 
This method of prioritisation will give you direction on which actions deserve your attention and which ones don’t. 

2. Minimise Distractions

In order to give your priorities the most attention and focus, you’re going to need to say “no” to some things. 
Take a look at what your biggest distractions are on any given day. For many of us, it’s things like email, texts, social media. It might even be a needy colleague. Whatever it is, it’s important to filter out those distractions, and the stress that comes along with it. If constantly checking your notifications is a habit, then you need to break the pattern. Try turning them off or only having a few set times throughout the day where you check them. If you run a business from home and find yourself constantly interrupted by domestic distractions, it might be worth investing in a coworking space. 
Your time is yours to control, so make sure others respect it. Put boundaries in place with your schedule and allocate times you cannot be disturbed, to allow for higher thinking. Set an example by ensuring your meetings run on time and finish on time – don’t allow them to erode your productivity.  

3. Use the Chunking Method

Often, a lot of stress comes from thinking about too many things at once. If you’re facing an overwhelming number of tasks, here’s a handy technique to manage the chaos: Chunking.

The idea is to create more manageable To Do lists by 'chunking' all the related tasks into groups each day, rather than having one big long list.  This makes the tasks look easier to manage and tackle.

Psychologically, your brain goes, “OK, I see what needs to be done and it’s totally achievable – and I can do this!”

Chunking is like applying the principles of project management to your goals. First, focus on creating clear checklists in prioritised, manageable chunks. Then focus on executing each separate chunk one after the other. In this manner, you avoid feeling overwhelmed as you simply get the work done. 

For more ways to further your time management and self-development, check out the SR Australia Events page. 


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